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614 Scarlet Ct.
Nearly two months ago, the Dawson family settled into their new residence at 614 Scarlet Court. Whisperings about peculiar incidents that troubled the previous occupants of this address have been making rounds in the small town of Shady Oaks. The former residents left abruptly, leaving behind what was once considered their dream home—a story yet unknown to the Dawsons.
Isabella Dawson, taking the initiative, has organized the neighborhood's inaugural block party. With her knack for hosting gatherings, she has quickly gained a reputation as the town's main source of gossip. Despite this, the curiosity of the neighbors, including you, has been piqued, leading to a flurry of positive RSVPs for the event. This marks the beginning of your tale.

Tennis Instructor
Agatha Nonley is the insufferable tennis instructor at the Shady Oaks Recreation Center. Lacking control for volume and content, she speaks her mind without a care in the world about who is listening. Agatha is a long-time tennis pro who is anything but tolerant of beginners and isn’t ashamed to let them know how she feels. Agatha is amicable mostly but has a short fuse, so keep verbal sparks far away!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Tennis attire. Racquet as an optional prop.
Owner, Shady OaksPlayhouse Theater
Hailing from Bundenbach, Germany, Frieda Friedhelm is a former struggling papergirl in the tiny town of Shady Oaks. A few years ago, she saved up enough cash to open her own business. The risk paid off, and she’s now the ruthless owner of the Shady Oaks Playhouse Theater. Think twice about double-crossing Frieda, as she’s known for doing whatever it takes to get what she wants!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: German dirndl (traditional German dress).
Criminal Defense Attorney
Liar, liar, pants on fire was made up in honor of Monique Sanchez, Esquire. If freedom is your desire, you’ll want this obnoxious criminal defense attorney on your side of the courtroom, even if you are guilty of murder! Monique makes ambulance chasers look like Peace Corps volunteers!
Owner, The Greenery
Moonbeam Rainbows is the spunky owner of The Greenery, a store dedicated to selling environmentally friendly products. She is well-loved and appreciated for accommodating everybody’s needs—even at her own expense.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Hippie ‘60s couture.
Movie Rental Clerk
Padma Deepika is the blunt movie rental clerk at Busterblock’s Movie Store. Padma is a hard worker and does a superb job at the movie rental counter. Padma knows that her days are numbered at the archaic movie rental place, but she still holds hope that movie rentals will make a comeback.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Casual attire or movie rental store (aka: Busterblock’s) uniform.
Tabloid Reporter
Paul Paratsy is the tenacious trash tabloid reporter known by his colleagues as the King of the Gutter Press! If there is an impossible story to scoop –Paul and his team of reporters always manage to get just the right photos and exclusive interviews with what he calls insiders. There is nothing that this camera wielder won’t do to get the story!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Reporter attire. Camera as an optional prop.
Big Game Hunter
Hunter Deerman is a brazen hunter by day and by night. This bison sniper is also a romantic poet who performs at the Shady Oaks Poetry Club. Armed with perfect manners and chivalrous words, he is one sincere and adoring gentleman.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Hunter’s attire. Toy rifle as an optional prop. Romantic poems as optional props.
Lounge Performer
Mars Bruno is a talented guitarist and songwriter. If you ever need a cheer-up, Mars is the one to turn to for support. He is also a dedicated friend and is the best at problem-solving.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Large hair (you can get a wig), lounge performer attire, and guitar (real or fake) as an optional prop.
Town Lunatic
Mace Freely is the antisocial town lunatic. As if Mace had stepped out of a thirty-year cave of isolation, he had no idea how to interact with others. Therefore, speaking with Mace is always unnerving. No one is immune to the uncomfortable stares and pauses during unwarranted conversations with this fruit loop. Some people swear the room drops in temperature when he enters!
Retired Real Estate Magnate
Hugh Heffle is the manic retired real estate magnate. One minute, Hugh is your friend reminiscing about last weekend’s fishing trip; the next, he is screaming at you about how you didn’t visit him the day before. You never know what you’ll get when you speak to Hugh, so most people visit him only when necessary.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Formal business attire that shows your wealth and success.
Tabloid Reporter
Paul Paratsy is the tenacious trash tabloid reporter known as the King of the Gutter Press! He is always found with an esteemed team of tabloid reporters who are just as tenacious as Paul. If there is an impossible story to scoop, they will always manage to get just the right photos and exclusive interviews. There is nothing that these camera-wielders won’t do to get the story!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Film production attire. Camera as an optional prop.
Guest List
Isabella Dawson is the moody homemaker and wife of Ben Dawson. Isabella and her family recently moved to the tiny town of Shady Oak. It didn’t take long before Isabella was labeled as the neighborhood gossip. Nobody likes to be around Isabella because of her violent mood swings, but her beautiful home is perfect for entertaining.
Interior Designer
Addison Shade is a resourceful interior designer. Sometimes, this house-stylin’ diva can be meticulous and isn’t known for patience. She has designed most of the houses in the town of Shady Oaks. Rumor has it she might have a reality show in the works – even though some say her work isn’t up to par.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Wear paint-splattered overalls or other interior design/carpentry attire. Optional: use carpentry tools as props.
Chef, Shady Oaks Diner
Dakota Drumley is the rude chef at Shady Oaks Diner. Dakota is the most discourteous soul in town and is a notorious party crasher. For this reason, Dakota received an invitation to the Dawson’s Block Party just to ease the tension!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Chef’s uniform. Optional to have a toy chef’s knife as a prop.
Librarian, Shady Oaks Library
Kendall Kennedy is an antisocial librarian who suffers from anger management problems. She is judgmental and often offends the patrons of the Shady Oaks Library. Kendall also has an intense fear of germs, so getting too close is out of the question!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Conservative librarian attire. Books as optional props. Latex gloves and a mask are additional optional props.
Pharmaceutical Chemist
Ben Dawson is the most annoying one-upper in the town of Shady Oaks. If you’ve done, said, or tried anything, Ben’s done it bigger, better, and more often. Ben is new to the tiny town of Shady Oaks, having recently relocated his family here. He landed a job at Bonlin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., where he is a Senior formulation chemist.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Lab jacket, glasses. Optional to have scientific items (i.e., test tubes, beakers, etc.) as optional props.
Convenience Store Clerk, Shady Oaks Mart
Quentin Maddox is the eerie convenience store clerk at Shady Oaks Mart. A constant whistler, Quentin will always grace you with uncomfortable stares and periods of awkward silence during a conversation. However, there’s no way to avoid him as he works at the only convenience store in town!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: A scraggly, tattered white T-shirt. Unkempt hair with a thin beard with a pointed tuft at the chin.
Restaurant Manager
Basil Cross is the self-centered restaurant manager from Deadwood City, a neighboring big city of about 36,000 people. He constantly perspires and smokes a Sherlock Holmes-inspired pipe around the clock. He used to live at 614 Scarlet Ct. with his sister’s family but refuses to talk about his bad experiences in the house.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Wear business casual attire. Use a Sherlock Holmes-style pipe, a plastic baggie with water, and a sponge as an optional prop to keep you ‘sweaty.’
Manager, Shady Oaks Recreation Center
Gaven Phoenix is the muscle-bound jock and manager of the Shady Oaks Recreation Center. A recent high school graduate, he often hangs out with Quentin Maddox in his spare time. Gaven was a notorious high school bully; some say he hasn’t changed.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Athletic attire &/or any tight clothing to display your real or fake muscles. Mirrored aviated sunglasses as an optional prop.
Retired Candy Shop Owner
Robby Charles is a retired business owner and chocolatier. Robby is the founder of Charles Chocolates, a world-famous line of chocolates that moved their headquarters from the tiny town of Shady Oaks to New York City eight years ago when Robby retired. Robby is paranoid and believes the government is watching their every move. However, what interest would the government have in a retired chocolatier?
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Willy Wonka-inspired costume. A grayed or white wig as an optional accessory. Chocolates as an optional prop.
Manager, Deadwood Lake Marina
Margo Presley is the mysterious manager of Deadwood Lake Marina. Looking beyond her gothic and shady appearance, she is one of the friendliest and dearest friends you could ever have.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Gothic, almost vampire-looking attire. Black lipstick and black nail polish as optional accessories.
District Attorney of Shady Oaks
Liam Williams is the aggressive district attorney of the tiny town of Shady Oaks. He owns one of the three mansions in town but has never entertained nor allowed a soul to enter his home. The townspeople often gossip about what Liam is hiding.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Trendy business attire.
Junior Chemist, Bonlin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Nigel Sage is an ex-star athlete who lettered in every high school sport. After an unfortunate accident ended his athletic career, Nigel followed his father’s footsteps and became a chemist. He is now a junior chemist at Bonlin Pharmaceuticals, where his father runs the show as the CEO. Nigel has a shady past, as he was an infamous tyrant during high school. His reputation hasn’t improved since then.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Trendy business attire.
High School Student
Sadie Dawson is an intellectual high school senior. She is new to the tiny town of Shady Oaks and attends high school in the neighboring town of Deadwood City. A dependable and loyal young woman, Sadie is a great friend to have—that is, if her obsessive behavior doesn’t bother you.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Very trendy and young-looking attire.
Police Officer, Shady Oaks
You’ll wonder how this crabby, introverted police officer ever thought he could protect and serve the people of Shady Oaks. Surprisingly, Officer Nelson is one of the most highly decorated officers at the Shady Oaks Police Department! One likely scenario is the officer intimidates everyone at the station, so they do what they are told.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Police uniform. Toy gun and badge as optional props.
C.E.O., Bonlin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
If you looked up narcissism in the dictionary, you would find J.R. Sage’s picture plastered by the description. J.R. is the father of Nigel Sage and the self-loving CEO of the only industry in town – Bonlin Pharmaceuticals. Since a significant portion of the town either is employed at Bonlin Pharmaceuticals or has a family member who works for J.R., you would be safe to say that J.R. controls Shady Oaks.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Trendy business attire.
High School English Teacher
Pepper Crenshaw, an impatient English teacher at Deadwood High School, is the most adventurous soul in the tiny town of Shady Oaks. A former jet-setter, talented gardener, and nature lover, Pepper has traveled worldwide and experienced cultures and cuisine that most will only ever see on television! Pepper’s students, however, report that she has a zero-tolerance policy in the classroom!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: A conservative and formal, very expensive-looking gown, flashy costume jewelry, and a tightly curled, red wig as an optional accessory.
Owner, Shady Oaks Mart
Earline Crenshaw, a recent widow, is the hardworking owner of Shady Oaks Mart. A compulsive liar, even when the truth is better, this business owner is a known cheater during board games. Beware if you ever play a game against this master of deceit!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Elderly woman attire with thick glasses. A tightly curled white wig as an optional accessory.
Mayor of Shady Oaks
There are two sides to Mayor Pauli A. Tishon, and one of them should be avoided at all costs! If you have something to offer, Pauli, the mayor, has your back. However, if you cross Pauli, mean spirits will rise to the occasion to greet you. The mayor’s mood quickly changes, so those working in the mayor’s office have learned to evade Pauli on a bad day!
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Trendy business attire (M).
Trendy business attire (F)
Reporter, CBC News
Pat Couric is always on top of the latest story and sometimes before the story happens! Pat’s an ambitious investigative reporter for the CBC Television Station, and will stop at nothing to be first to get the scoop. Pat is rarely seen without a troupe of colleagues from CBC News.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Reporter costume. An optional microphone and notepad as props.
Owner, Shady Oaks Boutique
Tanya Claus is the bubbly owner of the Shady Oaks Boutique. She is also an aspiring pop star and works as a local lounge singer at the Lakefront Pub. She believes she is talented but hasn’t had a big break yet. Tanya is a perfectionist, and if there’s ever a need for a peacemaker, she’s your girl.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Ultra-trendy and fashionable attire.
Reporter, CBC News
Pat Couric is always on top of the latest story—and sometimes before the story happens! Pat’s an ambitious investigative reporter for the CBC television station will stop at nothing to be the first to get the scoop. Pat is rarely seen without a troupe of highly professional colleagues from CBC News.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: film production crew costume (black shirt, black pants, clapboard, clipboard, walkie-talkies, etc.)
Police Officer, Shady Oaks
Officer Nelson is one of the most highly decorated officers at the Shady Oaks Police Department and is always found with many loyal followers and fellow officers. Officer Nelson is very intimidating and everybody does what Officer Nelson says to do.
COSTUME SUGGESTIONS: Police uniform.Toy gun and badge as optional props.

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