The Thanksgiving Saboteur
The neighborhood of Acorn Hill has been tormented by a prankster who goes by the name of the Savvy Saboteur. For the last week, they have tiptoed around the community at night in disguise, throwing toilet paper everywhere, sneaking corny license plate frames on cars and planting traps that spew old banana peels. The joker leaves teddy bears with mysterious notes on doorsteps – in hopes the neighbors will work together to solve their riddles and coded messages.
The Savvy Saboteur has announced they will strike on Thanksgiving Day if their identity is not revealed by then. The holiday is fast approaching, and the community is nowhere near finding the mischief-maker. The neighbors plan to meet on Thanksgiving Day while their turkeys are in the oven in hopes of finding the saboteur before Thanksgiving is ruined for everyone. You live in Acorn Hill and have been pestered by this prankster. You’ll be at the meeting, for sure. This is where your story begins.
This is the most recent note from the Savvy Saboteur, left on the doorstop of Robert Hambone, the HOA manager. The neighbors have coordinated their schedules, and the only time they can meet is on Thanksgiving! :( Hopefully, the saboteur will hold off on their threat until after the meeting!

Neighbors at the Meeting:
Cat Sitter
Siron Ginger owns Ginger Cat Sits, which is the top business for cat sitting in the town of Harvest Hollow. If you have a cat, you have Siron’s number programmed into your phone. Siron lives for taking care of cats, and everyone who adores cats also adores Siron. Siron has one of the top pet photo accounts on the Instant-Gram social media app and uploads at least 25 photos a day. Siron has ten pet cats of their own - all named for various holidays - and has matching outfits with all of them. Siron swears their cats have formed a community with one ruler and laws for them to follow, but nobody likes to talk about that. Siron walks each cat in a stroller through the neighborhood of Acorn Hill each morning - usually on a walk on the farm roads facing the marina. Siron swears the smell of the lake make the cats calm and happy.
Tatum is brave, loyal, and an influential person to know, as Tatum has a blog with over five million zealous readers. Tatum first started by writing about friends, but now Tatum runs one of the top celebrity gossip sites. What Tatum writes on the blog Tatum’s Diary is taken as gold and shared all over the internet. Harvest Hollow is a popular tourist destination, especially for the rich and famous. Tatum lurks in the shadows with an expensive camera with a high-powered zoom lens. Tatum always gets the scoop on unsuspecting celebs who have foolishly let their guards down. Because of Tatum’s ability to make-or-break someone, people tend to steer clear of Tatum and will only interact with the minimal: hello, good morning, and how’s the weather.
Because Tatum has essentially written a harmful blog about all former ‘friends,’ Tatum has been trying to make new pals, to no avail. The neighbors have had secret meetings about how to deal with Tatum. Alas, nowadays, Tatum's focus is on bigger celebrity fish and not local scandals.
Party Performer
Loud, annoying, and sometimes rude – Merritt is still the best entertainer in town. Merritt's business is named The Party People - albeit, it's only Merritt who does all business functions. Merritt will dress up and arrive at your party in character with magic, song, and dance wearing anything from a clown costume to popular fictional characters. Merritt has an outrageous personality, so it's best to thicken your skin if you'll be hanging around Merritt. Merritt snorts when they laugh, coupled with high-pitched squeals. Maybe grab a good pair of earplugs if you plan to be around Merritt for an extended amount of time? Or, don't say or do anything funny. Help humanity!
Merritt has dealt with their share of neighborhood drama, as some people don't appreciate Merritt's talent and love for method acting.
Production Baker
Vesper Chutney is the head baker at the Huge Harvest Bread Company. Vesper has created a secret recipe called Miracle Bread, as it has the lowest carbohydrates and calories but is utterly delicious. There is a line every morning at the bakery to pick up loaves of Vesper’s fresh bread. Rumors are floating about that the nutrition facts that Vesper has put out on the bread might not be correct. Those on low-carb diets aren't maintaining their weight and glucose levels. Could it be that Vesper is faking the miracle? Maybe so! Vesper is currently recalculating the nutrition facts on the Miracle Bread.
A cynic who prefers remaining a bystander in most situations, Vesper doesn’t always stay within society’s norms. Vesper is quick to highlight your mistakes and faults and slow to accept any blame for any situation - especially Vesper's low-carb customers' weight gain.
Wren Rosemary is the assistant manager and head barista at Cornucopia Coffeehouse – the hot spot coffee shop in the middle of Harvest Hollow. A true friend, Wren Rosemary is a hard worker who will do anything for a person in need. During a crisis, Wren will rise to become the backbone of the solution to any situation. Many problems occur daily within the coffee house line, as everyone in town is cranky before coffee. Nevertheless, a born leader, Wren works well with groups and is calm under pressure – even when customers are shouting at Wren over having one too many pumps of sugar-free vanilla in their two-shot, double-blended pumpkin iced coffees.
Rumor has it that Wren might be looking for a new job. Wren leaving is terrible news for the coffee shop if it is true. There are constant arguments at the coffee shop, as many of the townsfolk have trouble getting along and behaving themselves in public.
Fruit Expert, Edible Displays
Edible Displays is a company in Harvest Hollow that creates excellent presentations of tasty treats such as chocolate fountains, nacho rivers, cookie trees, and fruit towers. Since Harvest Hollow is a tourist attraction for the rich and famous, many upscale events are being held in town, and this company's services are always in high demand. Many times, the people at the events will refuse to touch the edible fruit towers because they are far too beautiful.
Harlow is the fruit department manager who earned their fruit management stripes by running the produce department at Kreuger's Grocery Store for almost a decade. Harlow often loses their train of thought and gets off track, but this fruit designer is exceptionally gifted with the ability to build fruit masterpieces. Just don't try to have a long-winded intellectual conversation with Harlow, or you'll be starting over many times.
Tour Guide, Harvest Hollow Caves
Brennex invented hiking, the steam locomotive, and the world wide web. Brennex was also the first person to climb Mount Everest and live on Mars for a spell. At least that’s what Brennex claims – albeit the townsfolk know to take what Brennex says with a grain of salt. Brennex is a continual one-upper and will drive you crazy with claiming they have done whatever you say you've done - but more times and better than you did.
Brennex is a tour guide for Harvest Hollow Caves – 752 acres of limestone caverns with mapped passageways and more than two miles of public access lighting. Brennex runs tours of the sediment, limestone, and crystal formations found inside the caves with a tour of the observation tower, a tourist cabin, and a souvenir shop. Given Brennex's compulsive storytelling, who knows what Brennex is telling the tourists about the caves?
Brennex is busy at work during the holidays, as everyone with out-of-town guests needs something to do with the family. Brennex feeds on the buzz of the holidays and lives for entertaining.
Tax Manager
Jade Plumcorn works for TD & Associates, a firm providing complete reviews of individuals' tax returns. Jade is relatively subdued, although Jade is known for making direct or unpleasant comments to others. Jade plays the drums for a local band called Harvesticity and is an avid bowler. Even though Jade has an extensive finance background being a tax manager, Jade loves to make betting pools in the neighborhood for everything.
Jade wants to be mayor for some weird reason but has run for office in every election. Jade hasn't received more than three votes - Jade's mother, father, and grandmother. They vote for Jade every time. Jade isn't very popular, and the campaign slogan was Secure Networks, and Paid Taxes Make Happiness Possible. People didn't relate to that - or even understand what Jade was doing with it. Maybe because Jade has pulled a few silly pranks on unsuspecting people over the years? Jade is one of the top suspects to be the Savvy Saboteur, as Jade is also very skilled at puzzles, codes, and riddles.
Social Media Strategist
An Instant-Gram influencer turned entrepreneur - Rory Wishbone turned their clout into something useful by opening Wishbone Social Management. Rory has high-profile clients, such as food processors, farmers, and even D-list celebrities. Rory manages their social media accounts, promising to build brands and increase followers. The gossip mill claims Rory has thousands of fake social media accounts used to build the follower count of clients. With a 5K boost in followers, one would think that would lead to at least a couple of interactions. This isn't the case. What's happening here? Rory doesn't confirm nor deny - they just change the subject.
Rory Wishbone is known for stashing things in secret compartments of their clothes, under hats or wigs, inside socks, shoes, and even spandex pants worn under regular pants. A bit of a doomsday prepper, Rory is always prepared for any situation. Rory is continually pulling items out of pockets and compartments if anyone needs something. This can be quite awkward - especially when Rory hands you a very warm spoon for your cereal.
FED-UPS Delivery Driver
Tennyson is clumsy and often has a foot-in-their-mouth, as Tenny speaks without a filter or prior thought. Blunt honesty is Tenny's hallmark characteristic, and like many others in the dysfunctional neighborhood of Acorn Hill, this doesn't always sit well with others. Refrain from asking Tenny if your new house paint or birdhouse in your tree looks good unless you want the truth.
Tennyson is continually being put on blast on social media with videos of Tenny dropping or kicking packages up to the doorstep of the recipients. Tenny claims it was an accident and moves on. Because there aren't many experienced delivery drivers in Harvest Hollow, Tenny has a bit of job security. With that said, Tenny is riding on the last warning at FED-UPS and hopes the neighbors of Acorn Hill, where Tenny lives, will be nice and stop squealing every time a box gets dented!
Sweet Corn Farmer
Rune operates the Gobblegiblet Sweet Corn Farm on the outskirts of town. The farm produces fresh sweet corn using the best mix of soil and high-tech scarecrows to keep the pests away. These scarecrows are very popular during Halloween, as the townsfolk, not just the pesky birds, are frightened of them.
Rune picks the corn daily and distributes it to markets around the town. Many people have encouraged Rune to open a website and sell the sweet corn online, but Rune, not being the most tech-savvy person outside of farm equipment, has been resistant. Rune knows all there is to know about sweet corn farming, but Rune frequently misunderstands social situations and concepts, which leads to off-the-wall comments and awkward moments during chats with others.
Retail Window Display Designer
Loxley designs the storefront window displays at Blooming Sacks Department Store. With a knack for color schemes, patterns, and putting pieces together - Loxley is incredibly talented at interior design and marketing. However, Lox isn't the easiest person to get along with at the store. Lox is a gossipmonger and stirs up trouble between employees. Lox has been warned on many occasions by the store manager, to no avail.
Loxley stares danger in the eye without a care in the world and can often be seen atop of the highest ladders while putting finishing touches on displays. For some reason, Lox is one of the luckiest people around, as Lox has dodged lighting attacks, ten-car pileups, and even when a local silverback gorilla escaped from the Harvest Hollow zoo, it passed Loxley on the sidewalk to get to a group of people. leaving a gym.