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Pajama Party Pandemonium
Zuri Zeller’s annual pajama party is around the corner. The girls on the guest list are now shopping for the perfect pajamas, and the party is set to be a huge success. However, everyone who is coming to the party has received a strange note on their doorstep! Someone is calling themselves the Waterford Riddler and has challenged the group to figure out their identity. Zuri is afraid the prankster may be an invited guest! If so, what kind of mayhem will the girls be in for at the sleepover? Zuri certainly doesn’t want this joker to take over her party! You’ve been invited to the sleepover. This is where your story begins.

need help finding a costume?

Guest List
Zuri Zeller
Zuri Zeller is the most popular girl at Waterford High School. Zuri fakes foreign accents, and this teen will throw you off when she speaks one of her many made-up languages. A notorious secret-spiller, Zuri is one of the biggest gossips in town. She churns out corny jokes and keeps everyone laughing. Zuri is the cheerleading captain at Waterford High School.
Suggested Attire: cheer-leading-themed pajamas – or – funny ones as you love to tell jokes. Bring some jokes with you for added fun.
Gia Goulding
Gia Goulding is a great dancer, but watch out - she constantly busts moves no matter where she is standing. Gia believes stepping on cracks in the sidewalk brings good luck. She hardly ever sleeps, so inviting her to a slumber party might be exhausting! Gia’s terrified of things that are too soft, so she prefers never to sleep with a pillow – or be around them. Gia’s an entrepreneur and owns a lemonade stand chain in town. Gia is also a member of the varsity soccer team.
Suggested Attire: dance, soccer, or lemon/lemonade-themed pajamas. Bring a jug of lemonade to share (optional)
Olive Orion
Olive Orion is the proud owner of ten cats. While speaking to Olive, she will always redirect the conversation to the topic of her pets. This cat lover is afraid to eat in front of others, so she will sneak food away from the crowd when she’s hungry. Olive often gets her phone taken away at school because she is addicted to texting. A lover of animals - Olive heads up the Waterford High Animal Rights Club.
Suggested Attire: cat-themed pajamas
Dalia Draper
Dalia Draper speaks in the third person, which can be quite daunting if you’re around her for a spell. She ‘borrows’ things and never returns them. Some would call that stealing, however. Her energy wanes after her morning burst of energy, and by sundown, she is lethargic as a sloth. Dalia writes rap songs about things around her and knows a million useless facts. Dalia loves games of all kinds and is a member of the Waterford Chess Club.
Suggested Attire: chess-themed pajamas. Or any game-inspired pajamas
Matilda Moody
Matilda Moody is scared of the color orange. She is known to over-accessorize, and she snorts when she laughs. Matilda has the most followers on social media of all her friends, and she is convinced she is a celebrity. Matilda is a member of the Waterford Drama Club and always lands the lead roles in school plays.
Suggested Attire: trendy, designer pajamas – not orange. Tons of accessories – hair bows, earrings, scarves, bracelets, etc.
Hazel Hedwick
Hazel Hedwick is the daughter of an English teacher. She is prim and proper and never uses contractions. Hazel is obsessed with singing songs about situations and would rather sing than speak. Hazel is the class president and a Waterford High Debate Club member. She plans to go into politics after college.
Suggested Attire: trendy pajamas
Lilly Lomax
Distracted easily, Lilly Lomax always gossips about people who aren’t around – even if they’ve just walked away! She is the teacher’s pet in every class and can be quite grumpy when hungry. Lilith is a foodie and one of social media's top food critics. She has taken Home Housekeeping classes every year in high school because she wants to be a chef one day.
Suggested Attire: food-inspired pajamas (i.e., donuts, pizza, etc.)
Gwen Grimley
Gwen Grimley has an inventive imagination. As an aspiring writer, she often speaks to inanimate objects, claiming that speaking to things keeps her mind active. She always carries a notepad and feverishly takes notes to capture the moment. She is a reporter for the school news and the founder of the Quill & Scroll Club, a group for teen authors. She loves to talk about her extensive rock collection at home.
Suggested Attire: writing-inspired pajamas with ‘words’ of any kind on them
Paloma Pavlov
Paloma Pavlov cannot wait to get her words out, so she blatantly interrupts others’ conversations. Forget about sleeping in the dark for the slumber party, as this girl can’t sleep in total darkness. She’s never had to clean the house; she claims she is allergic to cleaning. Paloma is a member of the high school volleyball team.
Suggested Attire: neon pajamas – the brighter, the better Or, volleyball-themed
Riley Rigby
Riley Rigby is a co-captain of the Waterford Dance Team. She is a klutzy girl who always tripping over her own feet unless she's dancing. She is a constant complainer and has a strong aversion to odd numbers. Many people believe she gives dirty looks, but she blames her scowls on her resting mad face.
Suggested Attire: dance-themed pajamas
Myra Maddox
Myra Maddox is still a tiny child at heart. She refuses to grow up and checks her mailbox each day in search of an acceptance letter from a wizarding school. Myra speaks at a high volume and has an irrational fear of closed doors. Therefore, getting Myra to lock up the house at night is often a fight. Myra has an interest in science and is a member of the Waterford Chemistry Club.
Suggested Attire: science-themed pajamas
Sage Starflight
Sage Starflight is the president of the Waterford Math Club. She is a straight-A student who cackles like a witch when she laughs and is addicted to television. She always tries to stay home from school to watch TV, and for snacks, she chomps on butter straight from the stick.
Suggested Attire: math-inspired pajamas – or – anything television show-themed.
Ivy Idelson
Ivy Idelson will certainly request to sleep on the floor, as she firmly believes there are monsters living under beds. Obsessed with the color pink, Ivy mandates that her friends wear pink on Thursdays and refuses to eat anything besides candy. Ivy has been the high school spelling bee champion for the last three years.
Suggested Attire: pink pajamas
Tess Tucker
Tess is frightened of silence and will hum during lulls in conversation. She is a lousy dancer but doesn’t know it, so she’ll break out her heinous moves at the sound of music. She is gullible, believes anything, and is obsessed with other people’s hair. She is enrolled in the Waterford High Cosmetology Program and plans to be a hairstylist for the rich and famous one day.
Suggested Attire: cosmetic or hair-themed pajamas.
Mae Malenko
Mae Malenko is obsessed with Halloween. Year-round, she counts down the days until October 31st. A mischievous trickster, she pulls pranks on her friends when given the opportunity. Mae is forgetful, so it will be a victory if she remembers to show up for the slumber party. She also believes she can read minds and will attempt to prove her telepathic skills in front of a willing crowd. Mae’s a member of the Waterford Fashion Design Club.
Suggested Attire: Halloween-themed pajamas
Violeta Vine
Get ready to serve this diva multiple times, as Violeta refuses to eat if her foods touch each other. She is a perfectionist in every way, and everything she wears must match. She is deathly afraid of being alone and requires a bathroom buddy. Violeta is a member of the Waterford Social Committee, which plans all parties for the school. She’s one of the most well-connected girls in the town.
Suggested Attire: party-themed pajamas
Coco Curie
Coco Curie plays basketball for Waterford High. She swears her diet of only chicken and veggies makes her a better player, and she can’t tolerate the presence of cheese. A true trendsetter, the girls at school follow her lead, as she has a keen sense of fashion.
Suggested Attire: highly-fashionable pajamas or basketball-themed.
Poppy Peyton
Guilty at heart, Poppy Peyton is constantly apologizing for things she didn’t do. Poppy’s a spunky cheerleader for Waterford High and loves engaging her friends in staring contests. This cheerful girl tends to over-exaggerate things, however.
Suggested Attire: cheerleader-themed pajamas
Echo England
Echo England uses big words when small ones work better. She’s incapable of telling a lie and has a crippling fear of cats. She refuses to go to anyone’s home that has a pet cat, so lucky for Echo – Zuri is highly allergic. Echo sometimes narrates her thoughts aloud and is a Waterford High Swim Team member.
Suggested Attire: swimming or any water-themed pajamas
January Jeeves
January Jeeves creeps out many of the kids at school, as she keeps spiders as pets. She sneezes upon hearing the word find and laughs like a fictional evil villain. January is a Waterford High Golf Team member and spends most of her free time at the Waterford Country Club.
Suggested Attire: golf or spider-themed pajamas
Stella Sedgwick
A true master of disguise, Stella Sedgwick has an extra bedroom for her costume and special FX collection. She can’t tie shoelaces and talks about food as if she’s a judge on a television food contest. She is a varsity track and field star and a Waterford High Track Team member.
Suggested Attire: costume-style pajamas of any kind (the fleece onesie style)
Sia Sails
Sia Sails is the most eccentric girl at school. She makes her clothes from nontraditional items such as paper bags, candy wrappers, and old kites. A habitual sleepwalker, Sia will need to be watched closely at Zuri’s sleepover. She is fascinated by shiny things and is distracted by anything with glitter. Sia is the captain of the girls' lacrosse team at Waterford High.
Suggested Attire: eccentric-style pajamas of any kind. Add some candy wrappers or other non-conventional materials to the design.
Everly East
Hailing from Australia, Everly East is a friendly girl who is preoccupied with sweets and baking pastries. She has a terrible sense of direction and gets lost easily. She runs home from school each day to log in on time for her online gaming tournaments. Everly is an aspiring professional gamer and is in the top 1% of players with the online game World Watch.
Suggested Attire: video game or cupcake-themed pajamas.
Ryland Rose
Ryland Rose is known to be overly dramatic. She adores the color green, refuses to turn left, and has an irrational fear of chickens. Ryland will repeat herself a few times during conversation to ensure her point gets across. She is a young philanthropist, as she founded the Waterford High Charity Club – a group at the school that organizes fundraising events for worthy organizations in need.
Suggested Attire: green pajamas.

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