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Orion Kingsley is a dedicated research scientist at ZEXO Pharmaceuticals. Orion has many years of cancer research experience but was made to make the switch to researching a rare disease called cytopheria after Roland Kingsley bought the company.  


EARLY LIFE: Born and raised in Godley Hollow as the youngest sibling of three, Orion was always in charge of the family's extensive flower gardens. Orion's siblings are Jude and Caden Kingsley. Orion was a quiet child and would often skip school to have more time to read books at home. Orion has a Bachelor of Science in Botany from South Carolina Honors College. 


CAREER: Orion began a career as a senior botanist for a huge botanical garden in South Carolina called the Charleston Gardens.  After five years, Orion gained an interest in cancer research and applied for a junior research associate position at ZEXO Pharmaceuticals in a melanoma research lab. Orion landed the job and was eventually promoted to a senior scientist position and now has over twenty medical journal articles published. 



  • None noted.


PERSONAL LIFE: Storm is in a long-term relationship with a marketing associate at Yipper. 



  • Mutual Life Science Award for Scientific Advancement, 2005

  • Bellamy Allan Award for a Landmark Paper in Medical Science, 2007

  • Albany Medical Award, 2008

  • Sir Cohen Medal in Medical Science Advancements, 2011

  • Canadian Medical Science Gold Medal, 2012

  • National Institute for Disease Control Recognition in Outstanding Science, 2016-2017

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