Noxhelm Murders
Nestled within the quiet, mist-enshrouded neighborhood of Misty Oaks lies a house with a dark past, known ominously as Ripper House. Constructed in the 1920s atop an ancient burial ground by the infamous Butcher of Noxhelm, this residence has witnessed the loss of over a hundred souls, some rumored to be interred within its very crawl spaces. Visitors have frequently reported flickering lights, slamming doors, and other eerie phenomena. Historical records ominously forewarn that ownership of Ripper House is cursed with doom, despair, and a lethal concoction of death and destruction.
The Biggs family—Ben, Brenda, and their teenage daughter Merry—have recently moved into 203 Moorgate Street, blissfully unaware of their new home's macabre legacy. In an effort to warm their new residence with the spirit of community, they've extended invitations for a housewarming celebration to their neighbors. It's unfortunate, given their apparent warmth and kindness.
Your invitation marks the start of your involvement in this tale. This is where your story begins.

Guest List
Frank Walker lives in the most modern house in the neighborhood, down the street from Ripper House. He’s an architect, married to an adoring wife, and has two sons—one biological and the other a stepson. Frank is intolerant of people and often starts wars on social media. However, he’s socially active and won’t allow a gathering in the neighborhood without him.
Suggested Attire: Trendy, designer attire. Frank is rich & arrogant – let your attire reflect that.
John Jones is the deceitful realtor for Jones Realty in the town of Noxhelm. John has sold the Ripper House over five times to unsuspecting couples. Each time, he fails to disclose the property’s history of murder and mayhem to the buyers. For that reason, the townsfolk think he’s a con artist. He doesn’t have many friends in town.
Suggested Attire: Cheap, polyester suit.
Tabatha Gill lives next door to Ripper House. The neighborhood gossips refer to her as a witch, for she has wind chimes made out of human hair and teeth hanging on her porch and chants spells at her neighbors. Tabatha is one of the prior owners of Ripper House, and for some reason, she lives in the tiny house next door.
Suggested Attire: Flowing shirt/dress. Any props to make you look like you are a witch.
Marcy Black is the tenacious HOA President of Misty Oaks. Ripper House is smack dab in the middle of the neighborhood but is not governed by the HOA. This infuriates Marcy, as the house at 203 Moorgate Street does not look like it belongs in the surrounding cookie-cutter neighborhood. Marcy would do anything to have the place torn down.
Suggested Attire: Business casual attire.
Paul Evans is the spiteful mayor of Noxhelm, rumored to accept bribes for political favors. Paul would push his granny out of the way if she were blocking something he desired. Paul is married to a police officer and has two daughters—both known for being highly narcissistic and selfish. As the saying goes, like father, like daughters.
Suggested Attire: Business casual attire.
Brenda Biggs is new to the town of Noxhelm. She is just getting used to the dense fog that plagues the city 250 days per year. Brenda dotes on her only daughter (Merry) and prides herself on her gourmet cooking skills. Brenda has gained an interest in selling jewelry out of her home and has been planning a huge party with the release of The Ruby Collection. However, she’s had trouble getting people she’s met in town to RVSP. She hopes the housewarming party will help her make friends in the neighborhood.
Suggested Attire: Homemaker/housewife costume.
Billy Thompson is a crossing guard for the neighborhood of Misty Oaks. Billy is one of the prior owners of the Ripper House. Billy is also a former dentist. Since living in the house, he has changed into an entirely different person, as if the house drained his life force. A shell of what he once was, Billy is now estranged from his wife, Tina. Some say the house is what broke up their marriage. Brenda was excited that Tina also agreed to come to the party, as nobody in town had seen her since the breakup.
Suggested Attire: Crossing guard vest over casual attire.
Violet Gill is a gloomy soul who is always seen moping about with intense sadness in her eyes. Violet is the daughter of Tabatha Gill, but the two haven’t spoken in years. Brenda was glad that Violet agreed to attend the party with her mother there, and she hopes to kindle a friendly reunion. Violet has befriended Merry, the Bigg’s only daughter, and occasionally hangs around Ripper House.
Suggested Attire: Gothic attire inspired by Wednesday Addams.
Ben Biggs is a pediatrician and has just opened a new medical practice in Noxhelm. He is fresh out of an internship at the Mayo Clinic and is ready to settle down in the foggy town of Noxhelm. Ben got a fabulous deal on Ripper House, but he is concerned with the rumors he has heard about the place since his family arrived here with moving trucks. Not one to believe in the supernatural, Ben is struggling to keep a positive outlook and cheery demeanor.
Suggested Attire: Doctor costume.
Tina Thompson is a child psychologist and the estranged wife of Billy Thompson, a crossing guard in the Misty Oaks neighborhood and former dentist. Tina is upset with Billy for giving up his lucrative dental practice in town. Tina and Billy lived in Ripper House when their marriage was torn apart. Tina hopes the Biggs family can hold it together in the house of doom. Tina agreed to attend the housewarming party but made no promises that she would speak to Billy.
Suggested Attire: Business casual attire.
Detective Shockley has worked for the Noxhelm Police Department since 1993. He is always on call and starts work every day at 6 AM. The detective is a workaholic who claims that a neat desk is his pet peeve. His motto is We speak for those who have lost their voice. Detective Shockley endured a great tragedy years ago when a car struck his wife and killed her. People closest to the detective say that his work is all he holds dear in life now.
Suggested Attire: Detective/ police officer costume.
Mack Morgan is the underhanded criminal defense attorney in the town of Noxhelm. Mack will do whatever it takes to get his client’s charges dropped – even if it means breaking the law. Mack is a known ambulance chaser and has deep connections in town with unsavory individuals. Mack has a teenage daughter who is dating Frank Walker's biological son, but Mack would do anything to break them up.
Suggested Attire: Business attire – a dark suit.
Don Walker is a nerdy student at Noxhelm High School. Don would rather study astrophysics than socialize with friends. Don’s geeky appearance has garnered him negative attention from his classmates. However, his biological father is the infamous West Coast Slasher, who is currently on Death Row. Don’s appearance is identical to his father’s, so the students at school stopped teasing him when news of this got out. They believe that if Don and his murderous dad are indistinguishable, besides being 18 years apart in age, maybe their behavior will be, as well.
Suggested Attire: Wear a nerd costume, including a frizzy blond wig, glasses, and a bow tie. You can also wear a fake cast on your dominant hand.
Ms. Hayes is the flamboyant English teacher at Noxhelm High School. She is quite memorable, as she wears scarlet lipstick and ‘50s-inspired dresses and hairstyles. She is teaching In Cold Blood by Truman Capote to her senior literature class, and that’s all she wants to discuss with anyone. This teacher is obsessed with murder.
Suggested Attire: ‘50s style dress, red lipstick, and a '50s-inspired hairstyle
Evelyn Evans is the meddlesome police officer for Noxhelm P.D. She’s a beat cop but aspires to be promoted to homicide detective. For this reason, Evelyn often spies on people at the station in hopes of hearing something she can assist with to impress the chief. Evelyn will do anything to get promoted. She is married to the mayor and has daughters – both known for being selfish narcissists.
Suggested Attire: Police officer uniform.
Merry Biggs is the daughter of Ben and Brenda Biggs. She was unhappy with the move from Rochester, Minnesota, where her dad completed his pediatric internship at the Mayo Clinic. Merry quickly made a best friend with the youngest Evans daughter, but she is still having problems adapting to her school routine and classmates. The school counselor blames her adjustment issues on the Ripper House, but Merry doesn't disagree.
Suggested Attire: Teenage attire of any kind.