Noxhelm Murders
Nestled within the quiet, mist-enshrouded neighborhood of Misty Oaks lies a house with a dark past, known ominously as Ripper House. Constructed in the 1920s atop an ancient burial ground by the infamous Butcher of Noxhelm, this residence has witnessed the loss of over a hundred souls, some rumored to be interred within its very crawl spaces. Visitors have frequently reported flickering lights, slamming doors, and other eerie phenomena. Historical records ominously forewarn that ownership of Ripper House is cursed with doom, despair, and a lethal concoction of death and destruction.
The Biggs family—Ben, Brenda, and their teenage daughter Merry—have recently moved into 203 Moorgate Street, blissfully unaware of their new home's macabre legacy. In an effort to warm their new residence with the spirit of community, they've extended invitations for a housewarming celebration to their neighbors. It's unfortunate, given their apparent warmth and kindness.
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