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Murder at the Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball

The citizens of New Orleans are thrilled that the owners of the old Madison Avenue Mansion are hosting the annual Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball again this year.  However, everybody knows that something always goes wrong when events are held at the mansion.  The estate is an infamous manor, built in the mid-1800s and rumored to be haunted by malevolent ghosts.  Wedding ceremonies held there end in divorce, visiting travelers go missing, and even one time, an uninvited ninja trying to rob the guests choked to death after stealing a bite of king cake!
Nonetheless, outside of a few mishaps, the Mardi Gras galas are the talk of the town. You’re a thrill seeker and wish to attend the event.  You had insider information that space was limited, so you were first in line to get your tickets.  You’ve picked out the perfect mask. This is where your story begins. 

Add some mardi gras flair to your costume:

Guest List



Biology Professor

The charismatic Alex Newton is the ultimate absent-minded professor.  Inquire about science, and Alex’s intellect blows you away.  Ask about anything else, and you’ll hear nothing besides average chatter.

Suggested threads and props:  Anything (Mardi Gras suit/dress) under a lab coat.  A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.




If you looked up narcissism in the dictionary, Sam Chawpalot’s handsome mug would be plastered by the description.  Sam is the friendly, self-loving neighborhood butcher with a slight exaggeration problem.

Suggested threads and props: An apron and butcher’s hat. A plastic butcher knife is an optional prop. A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.




Dallas Ewing is on an expedition, searching for new business opportunities. Everyone is growing tired of the media exposing this tycoon's troubles—especially the good people of New Orleans! Egotistical and spoiled are two words that sum up this mogul.

Suggested threads and props: Glamorous evening attire, money, gold, and jewels spewing out of every pocket, etc. A glamorous Mardi Gras mask is an optional prop.




Max Crimson is the most captivating celebrity you will ever see on TV! This star is ideal on camera—someone you’d love to have as a friend. Max is a lazy couch potato with outrageous, ill-mannered behavior off the lens. If you are looking for a new best friend, avoid Max at all costs!

 Suggested threads and props:  Trendy evening attire with a non-toxic marker for autographs as an optional prop.  A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.



Pastry Chef

Oh, the delicacies that this boisterous baker can create!  Andi Flour is the finest pastry chef in all of New Orleans!  When Andi bakes, the sweet aroma travels to the edges of town, and the townspeople flock to the Flour Bakery to get a bite of Andi’s creations.

 Suggested threads and props: A chef’s hat and jacket. A rolling pin is an optional prop, as is a Mardi Gras mask or other Mardi Gras accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.).



Mayor of New Orleans

There are two sides to Mayor Pauly Tishon, and you should meet only one of them! If you have something to offer Pauly, the mayor will be super accommodating and kind. However, double-crossing this politician is not advised.

  Suggested threads and props:  Business suit.  Any political propaganda (i.e., vote buttons) as optional accessories and any Mardi Gras prop - mask, cape, etc. 




Don’t bother buying a hairstyle magazine if you plan to sit in Bobbi Pen’s styling chair. Bobbi knows only one cut and style—a Mohawk! Unless you are into an alternative lifestyle, don’t make an appointment with this gossiping stylist.

 Suggested threads and props: Wear a trendy hipster outfit. A Mohawk wig is optional. Wear a Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.).



Criminal Defense Attorney

‘Liar, liar, pants on fire’ was undoubtedly made up about Lou Lyalot.  If freedom is your desire, you want this obnoxious criminal defense attorney on your side of the courtroom, even if you are guilty of murder!  Lou makes ambulance chasers look like Peace Corps volunteers!

 Suggested threads and props: An obnoxious/flashy business suit. Fake business cards are optional props. A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.



High School Principal

Is it Principal Thibodaux or Principal Loony?  Well, the latter is what the kids not-so-lovingly nicknamed this administrator at Boudreaux High School.  Teens beware: the rumor is that not everyone sent to the principal’s office makes it back to class. Some teens are never seen or heard from again!

 Suggested threads and props:  A conservative business suit/teacher or nerd costume.  A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.



Red Axehouse is the brazen firefighter by day and by night; this blaze-wrestler is a romantic poet performing at the Amorville Poet’s Lounge. Armed with perfect manners and graceful words, this is one adorable firefighter.

 Suggested threads and props: Firefighter costume.  A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.



Physical Therapist

Is there a doctor in the house?  Yes, of course!  It’s Dr. Milan Handy!  Dr. Handy will get you back on your feet when you are down, but get ready for this doc to be three inches from your face during a chat!  This close-talking behavior is surprising since the good doc has an irrational fear of germs!

  Suggested threads and props: Lab coat.  A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.



Human Resource Director

Haven Bubbles certainly hasn’t made many friends as the director of Human Resources at Blue Crab Technologies.  Haven is inflexible and impersonal…at work and play.  Haven is notorious for the abuse of power and authority at the company.

  Suggested threads and props: Business casual attire.  A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.



Information Technology Representative

Mac Apples is the arrogant, exaggerating information technology representative for one of the largest corporations in Amorville – Blue Crab Technologies.  Mac Apples can win you over with Australian charm, but don’t be fooled. Mac will make you feel two inches tall if you're not tech-savvy.  Mac is a technology snob!

  Suggested threads and props: Nerd costume.  A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.




Billie Benjamin is the spunky bartender from the Jester Bar in the French Quarter.  Billie constantly mocks everyone and has a reputation for being overzealous.  Avoid situations where Billie can take advantage of you.

 Suggested threads and props: A white oxford, black pants, and a bartender's apron with a bar rag sticking out of your back pocket. Optional for a bartender's armband. A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.



Hazmat Removal Specialist

Emery Sactive is a specialist in sarcastic hazardous material removal.  Emery works for the city of New Orleans, cleaning up toxic waste spills, asbestos, and lead from surfaces.  Emery is never in a good mood, but would you be chipper having to clean up toxic messes all day?

  Suggested threads and props:  Hazmat suit/costume.  A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.



Spice Specialist

Rainbow Moonshine is the most adventurous soul you’ll ever meet.  A jetsetter, talented gardener, and nature lover, Rainbow has traveled around the world and experienced cultures and cuisine that most will only see on television!  Rainbow owns a store in the French Quarter called Spice of Life that specializes in homegrown spices.

 Suggested threads and props: Hippie costume.  A Mardi Gras mask or other accessories (hat, cape, beads, etc.)  are optional.



Ouch!  Well, that is what most of Alby Stichen’s customers are saying nowadays!  This clumsy stitch guru picked the wrong career, as Alby has a huge problem of turning clients into unwilling pin cushions!

  Suggested threads and props: Trendy attire. Optional props include a pin cushion wristband, measuring tape, and any Mardi Gras accessories (mask, cape, etc.).



Window Washer

Addison Heights is not your typical window washer.  Addison is silly, young, and broke with an aura of mischief at all times.  Addison is unpredictable and often seen helping people on the street. Addison is a recognized humanitarian.

   Suggested threads and props: Fun party attire with a squeegee as an optional prop.  A Mardi Gras mask or any other festive Mardi Gras props are optional props.

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