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It is going to be a slammin' St. Paddy's Day this year, and the Shakin' Shamrock Pub is ready to rock n' roll with a full house of intriguing Irish gents and ladies.
Unfortunately, some of the guests with tickets to the event have a scandalous past and don't get along well, but everyone is claiming it will be different this year, and they will try their best to have fun and ignore their archenemies.
Here's your ticket (right click to download)

Need some Green?
You can spruce up your costume with fun St. Patrick's Day props, or switch it up and dedicate your attire to a full-on St. Paddie's day theme and get just a prop to designate your character role. You'll have a name tag to tell everyone who you are, so if you want to St. Pat's it up - do it! Your character role costume links are below, under your bio.
Guest List
Blarney’s Burger Tavern Chef
Paddie Berger is the hardworking chef at Blarney’s Burger Tavern. A compulsive liar even when the truth is better, this burger flipper is a known cheater at games, so beware if you ever play against this master of deceit!
Suggested Attire: Any fast food uniform and an apron as an optional prop.
Car Salesperson
You’d wonder how this crabby car salesperson ever makes a sale, but Kommy is one of the top salespeople at the Cameo Car Lot. Maybe Kommy intimidates customers into buying cars?
Suggested Attire: Polyester business suit. Pictures of ‘used cars for sale on the car lot’ as optional props.
Chicken Farmer
Foghorn Fowler is an intellectual chicken farmer. A dependable and loyal person, Foghorn is a great friend to have. Rumor has it that Fowler’s had some trouble over at the farm lately.
Suggested Attire: Overalls with chicken feathers sticking out of everything.
Late Night TV Host
Nora Nightshade is the mysterious horror TV show hostess. If you look beyond her gothic and somewhat monstrous appearance, she is one of the most caring friends you could ever have.
Suggested Attire: A Vampira/Morticia costume with gothic makeup.
Chek Flanagan is the eccentric banker. Known for being frugal, Chek will drive you nuts with precise calculations to the nearest quarter of a cent! If you go to lunch with Chek, just cover the whole bill unless you have extra time to waste.
Suggested Attire: Business suit (men's link) with a calculator as a prop.
And click here for business costumes for women
Surven Daly is the nerdy waitress at the Shakin’ Shamrock Pub. She is a conscientious worker, so if you are lucky enough to be seated in her section, she will take care of your every need.
Suggested Attire: A waitress uniform. Wear your hair in pigtails and wear glasses with tape on the bridge. A notepad and apron as optional props.
Shakin’ Shamrock Pub Owner
Kathleen MacDermott is the moody and insensitive owner of the Shakin’ Shamrock Pub. Nobody likes to be around Kathleen because of her violent mood swings, but her Irish pub is a hot spot in town and the place to be!
Suggested Attire: Business attire - preferably Irish-inspired (see costumes above), as you own an Irish pub and it's St. Paddie's Day.
Cafeteria Line Worker
Tator McSalsbury is the nosy cafeteria worker at Old Lacken Junior High School. Tator knows everything about everyone from eavesdropping on the kids’ conversations. Tator is no stranger to cuttin’ a rug, and will dance at even a hint of music.
Suggested Attire: Hair net and a chef uniform with a spoon and spatula as optional props.
Murphy Brooks is a sensitive environmentalist and animal rights activist. On occasion, Murphy sings instead of talking normally. This behavior can seem peculiar if you’re locked into a lengthy conversation.
Suggested Attire: A safari outfit with ‘save the environment/animals’ brochures as optional props.
Motivational Speaker
Morales McCarthy is a hyperactive motivational speaker and uber-paranoid conspiracy theorist. Morales is convinced that the government is spying on his/her every move.
Suggested Attire: Business suit (men's link) with a box of aluminum foil as an optional prop.
And click here for business costumes for women
This rude vixen of the phone lines will ruin your relaxing night at home with relentless telemarketing sales calls! The regulars at the Shakin’ Shamrock avoid this fiend of the phones, as she’s the rudest regular at the pub.
Suggested Attire: Trendy business attire with a headset as an optional prop.
Roxy O’Reilly-Rich is the snooty heiress and twelve-time widow. Her mansion is the only one of its kind in the town, but nobody has ever been invited over. The neighbors often wonder what this ritzy diva is hiding.
Suggested Attire: A semi-glamorous evening gown. Money bags as optional props.
Major League Soccer Player
Socco Shanahan is a Major League Soccer player. He is bluntly honest, so if you don’t want to hear the truth, avoid him at all costs. Socco over-explains things to the extreme, so be careful what you ask this thorough goalie.
Suggested Attire: Any soccer uniform with a soccer ball as an optional prop.
Summer O’Keefe is the spunky lifeguard at the Old Lacken Community Pool. She likes to mock people around her and has a reputation for being greedy. Don’t fall into a situation where Summer could take advantage of you if you don’t like losing.
Suggested Attire: Warm-up suit or lifeguard costume with a whistle and binoculars as optional props. Zinc oxide sunscreen lines on your face (optional).
Book Store Clerk
Rita O’Bookaday is an antisocial bookstore clerk who is judgmental of others. This behavior offends her customers, but she refuses to listen to her friends who warn about the sinking reputation of the store! Rita has an irrational fear of germs, so no hugs or handshakes from this bookworm.
Suggested Attire: A conservative outfit with books as optional props. Hair tied back in a bun with glasses.
Flynn Watts is the most annoying one-upper in town. No matter what your story is – Flynn has done it, tried it, accomplished it, owns it, or already went there twice! However, Flynn is a skilled electrician and has wired most of the town of Old Lacken.
Suggested Attire: Coveralls with any electric company logo on the pocket.
Hilar T. O’Shea is the outgoing and sugary-sweet local comedian. Hilar performs twice a week at the neighborhood comedy club. If Hilar’s around, everyone is laughing. He rarely goes anywhere without his best buddies and fellow comics from the club.
Suggested Attire: A t-shirt with a humorous saying on it with jeans - or other outrageous attire to make people laugh.
Professional Moocher
Takey McTakerton has been unemployed since he lost his job at the car wash and moved in with his great-grandmother. He borrows money for his living experiences, and everyone is paranoid that Takey will ask for money. Ducks fly with ducks, so Takey hangs around fellow mooches. As if begging for cash isn’t irritating enough, this crew is always impersonating animals.
Suggested Attire: White sleeveless t-shirt with stains on it and jeans. An empty wallet as an optional prop.
This group has learned the art of acquiring 'loans' from friends to pay their bills. They hang out all day in Takey McTakerton's basement playing video games.
Suggested Attire: White sleeveless t-shirt with stains on it and jeans. An empty wallet as an optional prop.
Get in a room with these hilarious folks, and you'll leave crying with laughter. Hilar O'Shea is usually seen with a group of fellow comics. They keep each other in stitches.
Suggested Attire: A t-shirt with a humorous saying on it with jeans - or other outrageous attire to make people laugh.
Lounge Singer
Lori Cingabar is an aspiring pop star and a regular performer at the Old Lacken Lounge. She believes she’s talented but hasn’t been lucky enough to catch a big break into the entertainment industry. If there’s a need for a peacemaker, she’s your girl.
Suggested attire: Lounge singer gown - an evening gown or pop idol outfit. A wild colored wig as an optional prop.
Rodeo Cowboy
If there were a movie named ‘Cowboy and a Gentleman,’ Tex Bultamer would have the starring role. Chivalry is still alive according to Tex, as he hands the world over to the ladies. However, he’s a no-nonsense cowboy and tells it how he sees things. If you don’t want to hear the truth, stay clear of this good ‘ole boy.
Suggested attire: Any cowboy (western) costume. An optional prop is a toy gun.
Professional Gardener
Sylvia Plance is the most adventurous soul you’ll ever meet. A real jet setter, talented gardener, and nature lover, Sylvia has traveled around the world and experienced cultures and cuisine that most will only ever see on exotic television shows!
Suggested attire: casual gardener look with hair pulled back into a ponytail. Gardening gloves, flowers and a small gardening shovel as optional props.
The trendy Karan O’Hare is the town’s guru on fashion and style. She’s an excellent listener and the most talented hairstylist in town! Her appointment books are booked solid, and it’s taking clients months to get in to see her! Plan ahead if you need a cut and style!
Suggested attire: trendy outfit with a hair-cutting apron as an optional prop. A teasing comb and a hand-held mirror as additional optional props.
Police Officer
Sheriff Nelson is the brave sheriff of Old Lacken county. Criminals beware! If Sheriff Nelson is hot on your trail, you should turn yourself in, as you are going to be in cuffs by sundown.
Suggested attire: sheriff uniform or dark-colored clothing with a badge/sheriff's hat as an optional prop.
Sheriff Nelson is rarely seen without his deputies.
Suggested attire: deputy uniform or dark-colored clothing with a badge/sheriff's hat as an optional prop.
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