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Gator Caper at the Oceanside Zoo

Oh no! The cheeky alligator, Garry Gator, has been up to his old tricks! Last night, he sneaked out and hid five of his animal buddies all over Oceanside Zoo! After his big adventure, Garry Gator went back to his swamp home in the zoo and fell asleep. But guess what? He left some tricky riddles under the head zookeeper's office door!
We need to act fast and solve Garry Gator's riddles to find all his animal friends before the zoo opens for visitors. If we don't, the Mayor might have to close the zoo for the day, and we can't let that happen! Let's get going and save the day!
Visit the Oceanside Zoo:
here are some costumes choices, but anything is great to wear to the party!

Zoo Employees
Head Zookeeper
Andie Mall is the best Head Zookeeper that the Oceanside zoo has ever had. Nobody cares more for the animals than Andie! Andie is a great leader and organizer, and nothing usually goes wrong at the Oceanside Zoo when Andie’s there!
Costume Suggestions: Wear a safari-type outfit (khaki shirt and pants) and a safari hat, with binoculars as an optional prop.
Dr. Furen Feathers, who works at Oceanside Zoo, loves all the animals very much. When any animal feels sick, Dr. Feathers sings songs to make them feel better. But sometimes, Dr. Feathers forgets and sings songs even when talking to people, not just the animals!
Costume Suggestions: Either a white lab coat or a safari-type outfit with a stethoscope
Lion Trainer
You’ve never met a braver soul than Growley King. This lion trainer lives for the deadly challenge of taking care of the lions at the Oceanside Zoo. Some say this animal lover has actually been accepted as a member of the lion’s pride!
Costume Suggestions: Wear a safari-type outfit (khaki shirt and pants) with a safari hat. Optional props include a stuffed lion or a plastic steak (lion food). Or, feel free to dress as a lion!
Monkey Trainer
Stop monkeying around! Oh, never mind, Oran G. Tang—that's actually what you do at Oceanside Zoo. This monkey caretaker loves to be just as playful as the monkeys! If a trick is played in the park, Oran might be behind it!
Costume Suggestions: A safari type outfit (khaki shirt and pants) with a safari hat. A stuffed monkey or a plastic banana (monkey food) as optional props. Or, feel free to dress as a monkey!
Elephant Trainer
The friendly elephant trainer, Ello Fantasia, is definitely ‘one with the elephants.’ This zoo keeper has trained the elephants to do tricks just like circus animals! If an animal needs to learn a trick, Ello can do it. Rumor has it that Ello was a pet detective before s/he became an elephant trainer.
Costume Suggestions: Wear a safari-style outfit (khaki shirt and pants) with a safari hat. Optional props include a stuffed elephant or a bag of peanuts (elephant food). Or, feel free to dress as an elephant!
Bird Trainer
Pauly Crackers is a highly skilled bird trainer and takes care of all of the birds at the Oceanside zoo in the avian exhibit. With years of experience at the City Zoo, this caretaker is a great asset to have around when there’s a problem. There’s nothing this seasoned animal lover hasn’t come across…just ask the parrots!
Costume Suggestions: A safari-type outfit (khaki shirt and pants) with a safari hat. A stuffed parrot sewn onto the left shoulder as an optional prop.
Giraffe Trainer
It takes a special kind of person to work with large animals like giraffes. Taul Thinu is that kind of person! This trainer is friendly, super intelligent, and, most of all, great with animals!
Costume suggestions: Wear a safari-type outfit (khaki shirt and pants) with a safari hat. A stuffed giraffe is an optional prop. You can also dress as a giraffe.
Snake Trainer
Alet Slither is the mysterious snake trainer. This caretaker takes care of all the Oceanside Zoo reptiles—a job that only a few can do!
Costume suggestions: Wear a safari-type outfit (khaki shirt and pants) with a safari hat. As an optional prop, use a stuffed snake. Or, feel free to dress as a snake!
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