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The vampires have been around since the dawn of time, originating via a potent spell by the sorcerers. This group of nocturnal immortals has roamed the Earth in search of human blood and ultimate power. The Sorcerers founded the vampire bloodline with intentions the faction would be subservient to them. However, after centuries had passed, the Sorcerers realized they had made a grave error as the vampires as they cannot be harmed by magic. The vampires soon became as powerful as the Sorcerers, forcing them to devise a nefarious plan to wipe out the human race, therefore removing the vampire’s food source. After the Black Death (1346-1353), one of the most devastating pandemics in human history caused by the Sorcerers, The Treaty of Crimea was signed that outlined peace between the two paranormal factions including an agreement to live in harmony among the humans—with a caveat that vampires retain the right to feed upon human blood, but no more than they need. Realizing the necessity for humans to be unaware of their existence, both factions reached a decision to live under the disguise of humans and never allow their supernatural presence to be identified.
The vampires split into two groups in the mid sixteenth century, divided by hemisphere. The Northern Vampires, headed by Magdalene Lebeau, choose to live a vegetarian life, feeding on cow’s blood alone. The Southern Vampires, led by Francois Tussand, lead the traditional life and must sacrifice human life for their livelihood. Unfortunately, the two bloodlines of vampires sit on the edge of a civil war. However, the situation on Earth has taken precedence to their differences.
Vampires are immortal, but are immobilized by the photons of the sun, so they remain in the darkness, sleeping during the day. The only way they may be executed is a wooden stake soaked in rosemary oil through the heart. However, with their speed, heightened senses and agility – this is virtually impossible and very few vampires have ever been killed.
The werewolves are a secret faction, not known to anybody on Earth. That is, until now. Simultaneously created with the human race, they appear as humans but are able to shape shift into their four-footed form at will in order to avoid detection or evade situations. This faction of human and wolf amalgamations is divided into Clans. The Clans are further divided into Packs, with some werewolves preferring to live solitary lives. Werewolves are not immortal, as the Vampires or Sorcerers, but they do have extended lifespans of up to three hundred years and can regenerate without intervention – as long as their heart beats.
Werewolves are immune to vampire bites, but are no match to human weapons. Humans have evolved to sense their presence and fear the werewolf, so they are quick on the trigger when the wolves are in their true form. During a full moon, all werewolves are forced to shape shift into animal form, rendering their faction vulnerable, as they lose control of their human sensibilities and become primal.
The Sorcerers were unaware of the werewolves until they unveiled their faction, but understand they would be an equal match if they ever became enemies.
Sorcerers have existed since the beginning of time. Genetic mutations bequeathing magical powers crafted the original leaders of the faction. Today, Sorcerers are an elite group across the globe making up the Ravenblood Coven, led by thirteen of the eldest sorcerers – each in control of their own Order.
The Sorcerers instituted the vampire bloodline with intentions the monsters of the night would be subservient to them. However, after centuries had passed, the Sorcerers realized they had made a grave error as the vampires cannot be harmed by magic. The vampires soon became as powerful as the Sorcerers, forcing them to devise a nefarious plan to wipe out the human race, therefore removing the vampire’s food source. After the Black Death (1346-1353), one of the most devastating pandemics in human history caused by the Sorcerers, The Treaty of Crimea was signed that outlined peace between the two paranormal factions including an agreement to live in harmony among the humans—with a caveat that witches and warlocks may use magic against the humans if it becomes necessary to conceal their identity.
Witches and Warlocks live among the humans in harmony, for the most part, but the faction is in arms after the recent announcement of the existence of werewolves. Humans are unable to kill Sorcerers, as part of the sorcerer’s genetic mutation prevents humans from doing so, but witches and warlocks may be killed by any other paranormal being in the traditional ways of human death.
Humans are the original faction on Earth. Sorcerers arose due to genetic mutations and they later created the vampires by magic. Vampires need blood to survive, so the Southern Bloodline is extremely protective of their food source—the humans. Werewolves were a simple evolutionary divergence from the humans, and have kept their identity a secret over the years.
Humans are mortal, but they are the most powerful in number and have a formidable awareness when a supernatural being is near—even if they may not know what it is they are sensing, they realize they are in danger.
Humans are feared by the supernatural factions, as they have crafted an arsenal of weapons and a high-level communications network. Humans possess the ability to wipe out the paranormal factions, but since they only recently discovered the supernatural legends were true, they haven’t figured out how. Also, because the Earth is in peril and they are facing imminent doom, the human race is willing to band together with the supernatural beings to save every life on the planet.

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