A Night of Creeps, Haunts, and Murder
The town of Amity Hill has been plagued with supernatural activity recently, and the residents have decided to band together and fight the unseen forces. Reports of alien invasions, evil ghosts, and other paranormal entities have spread around town. The epicenter of the incidents has predominantly been in the neighborhood of Dreadthorn Oaks. Bartholomew Mugwort, the infamous founder of Mugwort, Inc., has agreed to host the gathering at his estate. You are one of the unfortunate individuals who have been overwhelmed by unnatural happenings of late. You have a regretful history with Mr. Mugwort, but you will put it aside and attend this meeting with bells on. This is where your story begins.

Suspect List
Haunted House Actor
Jack Skelter travels with Circus Town Spook Fest – a chain of migratory haunted house amusement parks owned by Mugwort, Incorporated. Jack is a haunted house actor who takes his job very seriously. Jack seems friendly on the surface, but he has a mischievous demeanor and an uncanny, deadly influence over those who double-cross him or his friends. Some people say that Jack can make people disappear by merely dreaming about them.
Third Grade Teacher
Monique Turner is the unsuspecting third-grade teacher at Amity Hill Elementary. Monique recently acquired a new student in her classroom who is terrorizing her by plaguing her mind with horrifying images of tragic events from her past. Monique would do anything to stop this evil child, but the principal of the school refuses to listen to her pleas for help.
High School Senior
Sadie is only months from moving away to college, but she has been plagued with nightmares and monstrous hands bursting from her mattress, trying to pull her into another world. Sadie’s father has set contraptions and baby monitors to keep her safe, but Sadie is afraid that this monster who is after her will win the battle.
Aspiring Nanny
Kyla Hayes was a fast-food counter clerk living in a trailer park with a mother who kicked her out because she dropped out of high school only months before graduation. Kyla fabricated a resume to become a live-in nanny for affluent parents-to-be, but she has never babysat before – much less been around kids. Kyla lined up fake references and applied for a position that was advertised with a generous salary and full benefits. What could go wrong?
Anastasia Starr is a twentysomething influencer on social media who is about to release her first pop single, Cupcake Kisses. Anastasia will do anything to go viral on social media. She plans to spend the night at the Devil’s Tramping Ground– an area in the Harper’s Crossroads woods that is known for bleeding trees and a forty-foot circle of dirt where no vegetation will grow, dogs will bark at it, and offerings are gone by sunrise. Maybe Anastasia has made a deal with the wrong kind of person to become famous? Fame always has a price.
Retail Clerk, Mugwort's Alchemy Attic
Petrina Minix works as a retail clerk at Mugwort’s Alchemy Attic – an eclectic store that sells candles to burn for luck, charms for protection, essential oils, and sage bundles to ward off evil spirits. Her friends, who all chose traditional professions, often poke fun at her career, calling her store a trinket shop, but Petrina knows the real power of her merchandise. Petrina claims to be a sorcerer, but she has never shown anyone the proof of her supernatural power.
Administrative Associate, Mugwort's Toys
Lorraine Brinders works in the administrative office at Mugwort’s Toys. She earned a degree in canine science but found it difficult to get a good-paying job in her field, so she took the job at the toy company in hopes of pitching a line of dog toys, to no avail. Lorraine’s boss is verbally abusive and doesn’t appreciate anything she does, so Lorraine is stuck in a going-nowhere position. Lorraine wanted companionship, so she adopted Cloverbell, who has torn her apartment to shreds and made her life even more miserable.
Leonard Mara is a sharp real estate agent specializing in luxury homes in the town of Amity Hill. Leo is knowledgeable, personable, and is a skilled salesman who makes his clients feel understood and appreciated. Leonard has been trying to get rid of one of Mr. Mugwort’s properties in Dreadthorn Oaks for over a year, to no avail. Mr. Mugwort is unhappy with Leo’s progress, but Leo still plans to attend the meeting, as he has been a witness to many paranormal events lately.
FBI Agent
Special Agent Henry has been diligently working the case of the Seaside Strangler – a serial killer terrorizing the eastern seaboard. SA Henry’s superior doesn’t believe SA Henry is on to something, as SA Henry is one of the youngest FBI agents in the bureau’s history. SA Henry thinks the serial killer works at a traveling horror festival, so s/he plans to do a bit of surveillance, off the record. Hopefully, this won’t get the agent into hot water with the superior.
Police Officer
Lately, Officer Jenkins has been receiving many calls for nonsensical things, and when they are investigated, there’s no evidence to back up the report. This frustrated officer is unsure of why the kids in the Dreadthorn Oaks neighborhood can’t mind their own business, but they keep trying to convince the police that something dreadful is going on at the Kroner residence. The Kroners, on the other hand, seem like upstanding citizens – at least on the surface. Who knows what oddness lurks behind the walls of the Kroner house?
Virtual Reality Gamer
Tony is an avid virtual reality gamer who is trying to turn VR gaming into a full-time career. Tony's head has a virtual reality headset slipped on unless Tony is eating or sleeping. This serious gamer lives to be within a virtual world fighting zombies. Unfortunately, Tony’s been unable to shake the game lately, as it’s been invading real life. Is Tony going mad, or are zombies overrunning the quiet neighborhood of Dreadthorn Oaks?
Dental Receptionist
Jade Scarlet is a dental receptionist at Amity Hill Dental. Recently, Jade discovered a peculiar skeletal handprint on a lounge chair in her backyard, but she and her roommate have no answers for how it got there. Jade has received strange notes lately with peculiar riddles but has been warned by the sender not to get help on solving them. Jade has been spotting a cloaked figure following her and might be the target of a menacing fiend.
Vice President of Human Resources, Mugwort, Incorporated