Murder at the Bloodwood Masquerade Ball
Bloodworth Falls is a town enshrouded in mystery, where every corner tells a tale of scandal, blackmail, and shadowy motives. The local government's integrity is under scrutiny, and the air is thick with disputes among the townsfolk. Amid this atmosphere of mistrust, the mayor has surprisingly organized a grand masquerade ball at the ancient Bloodwood Castle, a beacon of intrigue among the town's pervasive gloom. The event has captivated the community's interest, with tickets disappearing almost as soon as they were available, prompting a frenzied search for the perfect disguise.
The reasons behind the mayor's sudden interest in civic spirit are as masked as the attendees will be, fueling widespread speculation and anticipation. As the town buzzes with preparations, you find yourself ensnared in the web of mystery: your invitation arrived unsolicited, delivered anonymously to your home. The silent message is clear — your presence is requested, or perhaps required, for reasons unknown. Apprehension stirs within you at the thought of a gathering filled with hidden faces and motives.
As the night of the masquerade approaches, questions swirl in your mind. What unfolds when the troubled souls of Bloodworth Falls convene under the guise of celebration? Your unease grows, but so does your curiosity. Amidst the secrecy and anticipation, your journey into the heart of Bloodworth Falls' mysteries begins.

let's shop for the perfect mask
Costumes are flexible. Dress in your character's occupation/theme (additional costume links are provided below in the costume suggestions for each character role) and add a mask. Or, you can opt to dress in more formal masquerade attire. Princess and Prince costumes work great for a masquerade ball—just don't wear your hair and accessories like the character the costume is inspired by and it will work great. Any party supply store in your area should have masks, as well. Buy a plain one and decorate it yourself so your mask is unique! We've shopped for some masks below from our trusted costume stores:

Guest List
Playhouse Director
Finn Burgundy is the brazen leader of the Moon Shadow Playhouse. Finn prefers to produce dark-themed plays for the theater and is a demanding director. So naturally, Finn will get what they want at all costs, so stay out of Finn's crosshairs if you are into self-preservation.
The opening night of Finn's next production, The Mystical Flea, is around the corner. Finn is nervous that everything will go as planned.
Costume Suggestions: Wear trendy yet conservative burgundy attire. As a prop, use a burgundy-trimmed or colored masquerade mask. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
CBC News Reporter
Ashton Jade is a gregarious news reporter for CBC News. Ashton is doing whatever it takes to secure the vacant anchor position at the television station. Therefore, if you have newsworthy secrets, stay clear of Ashton.
Ashton has recently taken up acting as a hobby, and the rumor is that Ashton might be dealing with a scandalous blackmailer.
Costume Suggestions: Wear conservative green attire of any kind. Or, wear a reporter costume. Use a green-trimmed or green-colored masquerade mask as a prop. As an optional accessory, bring along a notepad to take notes.
Computer Technician
Peyton Pewter founded the company Nerd Squadron, a traveling tech business. Peyton services most of the business networks in Bloodworth Falls and has recently started making house calls to private residences. Peyton is wired into the town and knows a bit about everyone's business.
Lately, Peyton's clients have had problems with their networks. Could it be something Peyton is doing incorrectly?
Costume Suggestions: Nerdy gray attire of any kind &/or a tech-inspired costume. Gray trimmed/colored masquerade mask for a prop.
Reese Cerulean is the wealthiest person in Bloodworth Falls. Reese is quite powerful, as they own most of the businesses and properties in town. Rumor has it that Reese's pile of gold came from frivolous lawsuits many years ago. Unfortunately, Reese has a short fuse, and you don't want to light it – especially if you wish to avoid wasting countless hours of your life in a courtroom.
Reese has had some electrical issues at their mansion lately - possibly due to faulty wiring. Or, could there be another reason the lights are flickering?
Costume Suggestions: Wear designer or expensive-looking attire. Use a blue-trimmed or colored masquerade mask as a prop. Bring wads of money (real or fake) to hang out of your pockets.
Logan Plum is the antisocial electrician in Bloodworth Falls. Not one for enjoyable conversation, this blue-collar worker despises people in general. However, Logan's an excellent electrician - and the only one in town. As long as you leave Logan alone, you'll have peace.
Logan Plum's sister is the medical examiner in Bloodworth Falls, so Logan is one of the first people to learn about a scandalous murder in town.
Costume Suggestions: Purple/plum attire of any kind. Purple/plum trimmed/colored masquerade mask as a prop. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Drew Golden is the boisterous stagehand for the Moon Shadow Playhouse. Drew has been desperately trying to break into stage acting, but Finn Burgundy won't hear of it, and there's not another playhouse in town. So, Drew sometimes takes out their frustrations on the cast members of the theater.
Drew has recently wanted to get into filmmaking but hasn't had the time to launch the hobby. Also, Drew is upset about something the town's mayor has supposedly done. Will Drew try to take on the mayor?
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative gold/yellow attire of any kind. Gold/yellow trimmed/colored masquerade mask as a prop. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Mayor of Bloodworth Falls
Riley White is the scandalous mayor of Bloodworth Falls. The mayor's no stranger to corruption, bribery, and blackmail and has a hand in many depraved matters. However, Riley is a hard worker and takes care of the primary needs of the people of Bloodworth Falls. Things are doom and gloom in the town, but nobody would dare run against Riley for mayor.
Rumors are floating around town that Riley might have tried to tamper with the outcome of the most recent horse race. If this is true, it is behavior unbecoming of a mayor.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative white attire of any kind. White masquerade mask as a prop. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Radio Host
The hit morning radio host, Omari Black, is a great friend to have and a horrible enemy to make. Omari has the attention of the morning commuters and can make or break someone in Bloodworth Falls. However, Omari can be shady at times and is known to accept bribes for radio spots.
Close sources have said that this radio personality might have their sights on a news anchor position, and Mayor Riley White recommends them for the job. But, of course, the fans of the morning radio show will be highly disappointed if this is true and Omari quits the show.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative black attire of any kind. Black masquerade mask as a prop. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Costume Designer
Pram Peach is the flamboyant costume designer for the Moon Shadow Playhouse. However, Pram aspires to be more than a theater costume designer and has sent the latest Pram Fashions to handpicked celebrities. Pram hopes to see the pieces walk down the red carpet soon. But, unfortunately, Pram's been frustrated that a big break has yet to happen.
The other day, a local news show reported that Pram's theater costumes are not up to industry standards. This has undoubtedly put Pram in foul spirits.
Costume Suggestions: Costume-themed orange/peach attire of any kind. Orange/peach-colored theatrical masquerade mask as a prop. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
EDM Producer / DJ
Deadbee Cyan is a rising star and producer of electronic dance music (EDM). Deadbee is famous in the underground music scene and has recently gained recognition for receiving a Gram Award for the hit song I'm Lucky. People say everything Deadbee touches turns to gold. Stay in this DJ's shadows if you seek fame and fortune, as there's plenty to go around.
However, Deadbee recently accepted a job in town that could have gone better. As a result, this DJ hopes this incident doesn't get blasted on social media and ruin their reputation.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative turquoise/ greenish-blue attire of any kind. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire. Turquoise/greenish-blue colored masquerade mask as a prop.
Butler of Reese Cerulean
Wolfe Indigo is the sarcastic butler of the town tycoon Reese Cerulean. Rumor has it that Wolfe's current position is a by-product of a frivolous lawsuit. Many have tried to validate this rumor, but all have failed. Wolfe is miserable as Reese's servant, which is not under dispute.
Lately, Wolfe has been desperate for someone to either put Reese Cerulean in jail or make them disappear from the face of the Earth. Wolfe's patience is about to give way to rage.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative indigo/dark-purple attire of any kind. Indigo/dark-purple-colored masquerade mask as a prop. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Federal Agent
Madison Scarlet is a femme fatale federal agent who often leaves her hometown of Bloodworth Falls to travel to foreign lands on secret missions. This secret agent is challenging to be around, as it is impossible to tell if she is working on a mission or enjoying her time away from the agency. Watch what you say around this undercover snoop.
Madison has recently traveled to Bloodworth Falls and has a ticket to the Bloodwood Masquerade Ball. The problem for the town's residents is that Madison doesn't do anything strictly socially. There's a reason why she is in town.
Costume Suggestions: Red evening gown, red-trimmed/red masquerade mask as a prop. Optional toy gun strapped to a garter belt as an accessory.
Stage Actor
Brad Olive is the charismatic stage actor at the Moon Shadow Playhouse. A tad narcissistic, he knows he is shamefully good-looking and can get whatever he wants from women. Brad has been the lead actor in the theater for many years and is looking for a big break in Hollywood.
Brad's mood has soured since he didn't land the lead in The Mystical Flea's production at the Moon Shadow Playhouse. After being made the understudy, Brad has refused to speak to Finn Burgundy.
Costume Suggestions: Olive green attire of any kind. Olive green trimmed/colored mask as a prop. Sharpie marker for autographs as an optional accessory. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Gary Gray is the deceitful mechanic at Gray's Auto Shop in Bloodworth Falls. Gary's a skilled mechanic, but many people believe he adds charges for unnecessary parts and labor after repairing a vehicle. But, of course, he's the best mechanic in town, so what can anybody do about it?
The townsfolk are starting to compare notes on Gary's scam. Gary might not have long as a mechanic in Bloodworth Falls unless he stops price-gouging people and misquoting them.
Costume Suggestions: Gray attire of any kind or a mechanic's uniform. Gray masquerade mask as a prop.
Horse Jockey
Freddie Fuchsia is the cynical horse jockey of the infamous racehorse Dark Sail. Freddie does whatever it takes to win races and will stop at nothing to get in the winner's circle. Other jockeys think Freddie has trained Dark Sail to bite competitors during races, but nobody has been able to prove Freddie had anything to do with his impolite behavior.
Some say that Freddie is adamantly against allowing Dark Sail to act aggressively toward competitors. However, something out of Freddie's control is not allowing this jockey to correct the behavior.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative fuchsia/bright pink attire or a jockey uniform. Fuchsia/bright-pink trimmed or colored masquerade mask as a prop.
Scuba Instructor
Avery Lemon is a blissful scuba instructor. Avery is a helpful person and a joy to be around. Unfortunately, cruel people often take advantage of Avery's gentle personality, and Avery usually ends up on the wrong side of situations. Nonetheless, everybody loves to be around Avery's smile, as it's contagious. Avery Lemon is one of the biggest fans of Omari Black's morning radio show. Avery swears they wouldn't be able to function if Omari ever went off the air. Avery is also one of Brad Olive's biggest fans and hasn't missed one of his plays at the Moon Shadow Playhouse.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative yellow attire of any kind or a scuba diver costume. Yellow trimmed or colored masquerade mask as a prop.
Ancient Artifacts Dealer
Carey Coral is an eccentric ancient artifacts dealer from England. Carey travels to remote spots around the globe to find exotic items and sells them at local auctions. Due to worldly travels, Carey knows a bit about everything. Carey has recently moved to Bloodworth Falls and is not afraid to say it was a big mistake.
Many people are talking about how Carey recently caused a massive scandal at the auction house. Did Carey try to pass off fake artifacts as authentic?
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative coral/salmon attire of any kind. Coral/salmon-trimmed or colored masquerade mask as a prop. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Cosmetic Surgeon
Dr. Brin Mint is the outrageous plastic surgeon from Bloodworth Falls. Brin will give you a free treatment plan for your face – without a request for one. This can be off-putting to most people, so this doc doesn't have many true friends. Nevertheless, Dr. Mint's appointment book is filled months in advance.
Dr. Mint is known to send advertisements with coupons to people who the doc believes need plastic surgery. This often offends people, and Dr. Mint gets angry phone calls.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative mint-colored attire of any kind. Lab coat as an optional accessory (or you can wear scrubs as if you just left your office). Mint-trimmed or colored masquerade mask as a prop.
Lou Violet is a paranoid magician. Lou performs weekly at the Moon Shadow Playhouse and constantly dribbles about conspiracy theory nonsense. Lou is a talented magician with a great team of assistants. Lou has a fantastic magic show, but being around this magician in social situations can be exhausting.
Costume Suggestions: Glitzy purple attire of any kind or a black tuxedo with a top hat. Purple-trimmed / colored masquerade mask as a prop. Optional to have a magic wand and a bag of tricks to perform for other guests.
Assistant to Lou Violet
Lou Violet’s assistants are the best in the entertainment business. The assistants are an attractive bunch with excellent performing skills who often complain about how difficult it is to work for Lou. Rumors are circulating that their boss is seeking employment elsewhere.
Costume Suggestions: Glitzy purple attire of any kind or a black tuxedo with a top hat. Purple-trimmed / colored masquerade mask as a prop. Optional to have a magic wand and a bag of tricks to perform for other guests.
Lead Makeup Artist
Izzy Maroon is the eccentric makeup artist at the Moon Shadow Playhouse. Izzy’s also a weapon collector and loves to discuss the items in the collection, such as blast knuckles, chain whips, grappling hooks, and throwing star necklaces. It isn’t a mystery why the actors sitting in Izzy’s makeup chair never complain.
Costume Suggestions: Wear trendy maroon/burgundy attire of any kind. Use a maroon/burgundy-trimmed/colored masquerade mask as a prop. Having a makeup kit to do ‘touch-ups’ on people at the party is optional. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Moon Shadow Playhouse
The Moon Shadow Playhouse makeup team members are obedient, hard-working professionals. Rumor has it they’re scared to work for someone like Izzy Maroon. However, Finn Burgundy doesn’t mind Izzy’s oddities, as the makeup always gets done on time for the opening act, and nobody ever complains.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy maroon/burgundy attire of any kind. Maroon/burgundy trimmed/colored masquerade mask as a prop. Optional to have a makeup kit to do ‘touch-ups’ on people at the party. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Lead Production Assistant
Cass Chocolate is an insomnia-driven workaholic. Cass typically has dark circles under the eyes from a lack of sleep but is mentally sharp as a tack. Cass and crew assist everybody at the Moon Shadow Playhouse and ensure everything runs smoothly during performances.
Costume Suggestions: Brown attire of any kind. Brown or brown-trimmed masquerade mask as a prop. Draw dark circles under your eyes as an optional effect for when you remove your mask. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Moon Shadow Playhouse
The production assistants who report to Cass Chocolate are a boisterous bunch. Cass has a full plate, as this team needs to be micromanaged. Cass can become quite intolerant of ill behavior occasionally – but for a good reason.
Costume Suggestions: Brown attire of any kind. Brown or brown-trimmed masquerade mask as a prop. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Pop Star
Bruno Ivory is the wacky pop star who catapulted to fame this year with his uber-hit single – Eatin’ Grenades. Bruno is famous for peculiarities, such as keeping insects in jars as pets. His entourage must always sneak behind him and set his insect army free daily.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy white/ivory attire of any kind worthy of a pop star. White/ivory-colored masquerade mask as a prop. Toy insects in jars as optional props.
Bruno Ivory’s Entourage
Bruno Ivory’s entourage consists of serious professionals. Bruno has risen to fame in such a short time that his entourage has had difficulty keeping up with the pop star's demands and increasing need for security.
Costume Suggestions: Trendy yet conservative white/ivory attire of any kind or a black suit. White/ivory-colored masquerade mask as a prop. Optional to have a toy gun and earpieces. Click here for men's attire. Click here for women's attire.
Maria Lime is a notorious gangster from the Silver Dollar Mob. She is trying to remain undercover, as there may be federal agents lurking about in Bloodworth Falls, and she is a wanted felon. If she senses she's around law enforcement, she often tells stories about what she does for a living.
Costume Suggestions: Black suit with a green-colored or trimmed masquerade mask. A fedora and toy gun as optional props.
Silver Dollar Mob
The mobsters of the Silver Dollar Mob from Anonville are an infamous group of criminals. They all report to Silver Dollar Sonny - a legendary crime boss wanted by the FBI. Sonny crept underground many years ago. The rumor mill reports the feds are actively searching for him and his mobsters.
Costume Suggestions: Black suit with a green-colored or trimmed masquerade mask. A fedora and toy gun are optional props.
Nobody knows who this person is at the masquerade ball, but everybody agrees that he or she is undoubtedly up to no good.
The day the tickets went on sale for the ball, the people in line allowed this particular individual to move ahead of them. Why was everyone so afraid? It must have been the full-face mask or how they strolled slowly and stood too close to others.
Costume Suggestions: Wear a solid-colored full-face mask in any style and a hoodie to hide your hair. Cover your hair and wear baggy clothing.